"To have another language is to possess a second soul."


9 B класс

Winter Holidays

Смотреть, выписать British??? family traditions before Chritmas

Образцы рекламы


Читать, переводить, выписать речення в Past Simple

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.

As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.

Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. This year wasn`t exception, so I spent almost the whole month there. In my opinion, the countryside is the best place for young people's holidays. Firstly, they can have a break from technology. In most villages, connection is very weak. It allows them to switch off from their everyday life full of social media. Secondly, the environment is better in the country. They can enjoy beautiful nature, fresh air, and greens all around them. Both break from technology and the better environment will have a positive effect on their health, reduce stress and anxiety. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often went to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. Sometimes we went fishing or boating. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together. And of course I helped my grandparents. Every evening I watered fruit trees and vegetables. We picked a lot of apples, pears, grapes, peaches and so on. Sometimes I had to weed the weeds and dig too.


August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so travelling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love travelling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy and Spain. It helps to keep the balance between active and peaceful rest. Last year we visited Greece. It was our first time in this beautiful and hospitable country. The Mediterranean Sea was fantastic and the sun was gentle. Several times we went out to the fashionable restaurants to try local dishes. Greek cuisine is delicious. It involves lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, seafood and olive oil. I spent lots of time swimming, sunbathing and playing active beach games. For a change we decided to visit some local sights. First of all we visited the Parthenon on top of the Acropolis. It’s one of most beautiful ancient temples of Greece and the most visited tourist attraction. We also visited a volcanic island of Santorini, which is famous for its dramatic views and stunning sunsets. All in all, it was a great vacation. I hope that we will go there again sometimes.

So, I suppose that summer must be full of rest, going out with friends and obligatory travelling..

Summer Holidays


Смотреть, переводить, выписывать незнакомые слова. Быть готовым отвечать на вопросы

Карантин             моя почта    t.maksimova1968@gmail.com

Подготовка к контролю говорения
упр. 3 стр.214  (учебник)  +
1. What newspaper or magazines do you read?
2. How often is it published? (daily...
3. What topics do you like reading?
4. Do you have favourite journalist\bloger?

До 20.05.20

WB  p. 8,9,10 p. 95, 96

До 15.05.20

Повторення    https://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/218.html (мне скрин)

Тренировка аудирования   

 До 13.05.20 

https://www.englishlearner.com/intermediate/the-definite-article-place-1.shtml  (скрин)

 WB  p.93, 94  ex.5, 7

До 06.05.20

Zero article Артикль не вживається:
  1. З назвами планет: Jupiter, Earth.
  2. З назвами континентів: Europe, North America.
  3. З назвами країн: Ukraine, Italy, Sweden, China. Винятки:
    • The вживається разом із назвами республік, штатів, королівств, союзів, еміратів: The USA, the United Kingdom.
    • Вживається разом з країнами, назви яких пишуться в множині: the Netherlands, the Philippines.
  4. З назвами міст: Kyiv, London. Виняток:
    • the Hague (Гаага)
  5. Разом із назвами вулиць, площ, доріг, парків: Oxford street, Trafalgar square, Canton road, Shevchenko park.
  6. З назвами озер: (lake) Victoria. Виняток:
    • Вживаємо, коли справа стосується групи річок: the Great Lakes.
  7. Разом із назвами шкіл, коледжів, університетів: Florida University, Shevchenko University. Винятки:
    • the University of Florida
    • the College of Arts
  8. Разом із назвами свят: Christmas, New Year.
  9. З подвійніми назвами: Westminster Abbey, Nottingham Castle, Victoria Station, Kyiv Zoo. Винятки:
    • the White House
    • the Royal Palace
  10. З назвами храмів, соборів, лавр тощо: St.Volodymyr Cathedral, St. Andrew’s Church.
  11. Разом із назвами місяців, днів тижня: May, Saturday. Виняток:
    • Коли ми маємо на увазі якийсь конкретний день: the Saturday you came.
The Артикль The вживається:
  1. З назвами океанів, морів, річок, каналів, заток: the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea, the Dnipro, the Percian Gulf.
  2. Група островів: the Hawaiian Islands (the Hawaii). Виняток:
    • Коли ми кажемо про один конкретний острів: Ceylon, Malta
  3. Разом з гірськими хребтами, назви яких пишуться в множині: the Carpathians, the Pennines. Виняток:
    • Коли ми кажемо про одну конкретну гору: Mount Vernon, Snowdon
  4. З назвами регіонів: the Far/Middle East, the north of Ukraine, the Orient, the West End (London), the Crimea. Винятки:
    • northern Ukraine
    • western Scotland
  5. Разом із назвами історичних документів, пам'ятників: the Constitution, the Statue of Liberty.
  6. З назвами етнічних груп: the Ukrainians, the Indians, the British.
  7. Разом із назвами готелів, музеїв, галерей, ресторанів, театрів, кінотеатрів, банків: the Hilton, the Tate Gallery, the Peacock (pub), the National Theatre. Виняток:
    • Не вживається із назвами, які закінчуються на -s чи 's: Macdonald’s, Lloyds Bank, Harrods
  8. Разом з з прізвищами з закінченням -s, коли ми маємо на увазі всю родину: the Smiths, the Petrenkos.
  9. З назвами війн: the Civil War, the First World War. Винятки:
    • World War One
    • World War Two

    WB  p. 92-93  ex. 1-3      правило вчити

 До 04.05.20

WB p. 88-89 ex. 17, 18

 підручник впр. 8 стор. 198 скласти 7 питань

написати рекламу газети або журнала

  До 29.04.20

Смотреть видео, письменно отвечать на вопросы    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fp45l7Wdcw

1. What are the adventages of mass media?
2. What are the disadventages of mass media?

WB   p. 87

До 27.04.20

Учебник  стр.193, 194  упр. 5, 6, 7 (писать в тетрадь с объяснением почему
 это время, мне фото)    WB  p. 86 ex. 12, 13

В пятницу тест по словам

До 22.04.20

Учебник   упр. 1,2,3,4 стр. 191, 192 (писать в тетрадь с объяснением почему
 это время, мне фото)
WB p. 85 ex. 11

До 15.04.20

Лексика    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNtiMigjTns



WB  p. 83,84   ex. 8-10    SB p. 190   ex. 3, 4  (в тетрадь про 3 журнала)

До 13.04.20

Лексика    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNtiMigjTns


WB p.81-82 ex. 5, 6, 7

До 08.04.20

WB p. 80-81 ex. 1-4

до 03.04.20

http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/vocabulary/3v23-musical-vocabulary.php (screenshort)

учебник стр.174 упр.1,3 (можно в книге) упр.4 стр. 175,176 читать , переводить упр.5 писать в тетрадь
 мне скрин

до 30.03.20
Рабочая тетрадь стр.74-76 (кроме упр.26)
Упр.4, 5 стр. 78 набрать на компьютере и выслать мне.
 (план сочинения учебник стр.163 упр.2 можно пользоваться
 предложениями из упр.1 стр.155 учебник и 
упр.4 стр.78 рабочая тетрадь)
Позже будет контрольная
до 24.03.20   выполнить упражнение и скрин мне /  https://www.sporcle.com/games/mg10/musical-instruments 
рабочая тетрадь стр.71-73 
Жду работы

до 19.03.20  учебник стр.147,148   упр. с 1  по 6. Скрины/фото Оксане или мне. 

Pasive Voice
Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Present
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1.    My parents set the table.
2.    She pays a lot of money.
3.    I draw a picture.
4.    They wear blue shoes.
5.    They don't help you. -
6.    He doesn't open the book.
7.    Does your mum pick you up?
8.    Does the police officer catch the thief? – 

Passive Voice - Exercises on Form
Начало формы
Write passive sentences in Simple Past.
1.    the test / write  ?
2.    the cat / feed  
3.    the lights / switch on 
4.    the house / build 
5.    dinner / serve  ?
6.    this computer / sell / not  
7.    the tables / clean / not 
8.    the children / pick up / not 

Passive or Active Exercise

1. That door  (paint) yesterday.
2. Michelangelo  (paint) the Sistine Chapel.
3. In the UK, everyone  (drive) on the left.
4. Inter-city trains  (usually/drive) by men.
5. The 'La Stampa' newspaper  (read) by two million people in Italy.
6. My car  (steal) yesterday.
7. The thieves  (steal) the gold last week.
8. I  (learn) Japanese when I was in Tokyo.

Winter Holidays

Смотреть видео, выписать незнакомые слова


Future  Tenses
Choose the correct future form !
  1. It's  a beautiful day tomorrow.
  2. Our club  a hiking tour next weekend.
  3. The train for Dover  at 9 a.m. every morning.
  4.  carry your bag if you prepare dinner for us.
  5. What are your plans for tomorrow ? - Well,  climb that mountain over there.
  6. They're  in the lake this evening.
  7. What time ?
  8. They  married on July 4th.
  9. This time tomorrow we  in the Pacific.
  10. I think  and take a walk.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.
There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. The Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City.
Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried.
The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben.
To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls. In the centre of the West End the Trafalgar Square is situated with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.
To the east of Westminster is East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.
The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum. The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library — one of the richest in the world.
There are many beautiful parks in London. St James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of London.

It was late ____ I went home.
so that
Either could be used here.
2 - It was very expensive ____ I didn't buy it.
so that
Either could be used here.
3 - He spoke slowly ____ they could write everything down.
so that
Either could be used here.
4 - I posted it a couple of days ago, ____ they should have received it by now.
so that
Either could be used here.
5 - It was ____ I couldn't complete it.
so difficult
so difficult that
Either could be used here.
6 - We were silent ____ as not to wake the baby.
so that
Either could be used here.
7 - It was raining, ____ I took an umbrella with me.
so that
Either could be used here.
8 - I was disappointed because I had tried ____ hard.
so that
Either could be used here.
9 - I wrote the number down ____ I wouldn't forget it.
so that
Either could be used here.
10 - The test was very easy, ____ everyone passed.
so that
Either could be used here.
11 - They made the test very easy ____ everyone would pass.
so that
Either could be used here.

Read and tranlate the text
Kiev  is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. The name Kiev is derived from the name of Kiy, one of four legendary founders of the city.
By the ancient legend Kiev was founded by three brothers Kiy, Schek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They were surprised by the beauty of Dnieper’s hills, stopped to settle here and called the town in honour of the eldest brother-Kiev. A monument to the founders was erected at the Dnieper embankment in our days. The town’s place was chosen succesfully, the high Dnieper’s slopes were perfect protection against the raids of nomad tribes.
Kiev stretches for the space of more than 20 km along the picturesque banks of the biggest Ukrainian river — Dnieper. Its square consists 827 sq.km. The population of Kiev is about 3 millions people.
Kiev is one of the oldest Slavic centres, “Mother of Russian touns” so it was called in olden times, its age is more than 1500 years. The first settlements on the territory of modern Kiev appeared from 15000 till 20000 year ago.
Today Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions and world-famous historical landmarks. The city has an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport, including the Kiev Metro.

The capital of Ukraine has got great cultural potential. There are more than 30 museums, about 200 unique architectural monuments, 33 theatres, enormous quantity of constant active art exhibitions. Kiev is one of the greenest cities of the world, it has more that 60 parks. In spring and summer the city resembles one huge park.
There are many historical places in Kiev. For example, St Sophia Cathedral, which was built in the 11th century, Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra that was founded in the 11th century, St Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery, which was ruined and recently completely restored, St. Andrew’s chirch in baroque style?
The monument to Taras Shevchenko, the great Ukrainian poet, is in front of the University, named after him. The monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky, famous hetman of Ukraine, stands in the square opposite to St Sophia Cathedral.

Kiev is the centre of cultural life of Ukraine. Fans of theatre, cinema, music, painting and other arts can find there many interesting for themselves. There are lots of museums in Kiev: the Museum of Ukrainian Arts, the Historic Museum, the Taras Shevchenko Museum, the Lesya Ukrainka Museum, the museum of M. Bulgakov and others.
Put the article "the" where necessary 
1 Europe.
2. Himalayas
3.  River Danube
4.  Asia
5. Alps
6.  Spain
7. Panama Canal
8.  Pacific Ocean
9. Northern Ireland
10. Black Sea
11.  Atlantic Ocean
12.  Irish Republic
13.  Bahamas
14. Mount Etna

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak, Ben Nevis. The rivers of Great Britain are not long. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on the banks of the Thames. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others.

Seas and oceans influence the British climate which is not too cold in winter but never hot in summer. Great Britain is a beautiful country with old traditions and good people.

  1. I'm really tired. I  since seven thirty this morning. (work)
  2. Alan  at six schools in six years. He never stays in the same job. (teach)
  3. Janine  since she left university in 1992. (teach)
  4. Miguel  English for nearly two years. (study)
  5. This week he  ten new verbs. (learn)
  6.  over 40 résumés but I still can't decide who to give the job to. (read)
  7. She can't still be thirsty! She  three glasses of lemonade. (drink)
  8. How long  professional baseball? (play)
  9. How many games ? (play)
  1. 1 I like  blue T-shirt over there better than  red one.
  2. 2 Their car does 150 miles  hour.
  3. 3 Where's  USB drive I lent you last week?
  4. 4 Do you still live in  Bristol?
  5. 5 Is your mother working in  old office building?
  6. 6 Carol's father works as  electrician.
  7. 7 The tomatoes are 99 pence  kilo.
  8. 8 What do you usually have for  breakfast?
  9. 9 Ben has  terrible headache.
  10. 10 After this tour you have  whole afternoon free to explore the city.

Осенние каникулы

1.  I can carry things with my right 

2.  I listen to you with my 

3.  People say she has got beautiful 

4.  Put your hand in front of your  when you yawn. 

5.  I hope I will pass my exam, I cross my 

6.  Children love kicking a ball with one 

7.  He got up on his  and ran away. 

8.  She has red lips and long 

9.  In winter I wear a scarf round my 

10. When you have a cold you often blow your 

11.  Tom is 6 and he lost one  last night ! 

12.  When you agree with someone you generally nod your .
Fill in past simple or past perfect simple.

1. After they --- (see) the Tower, they ---- (go) to Westminster Abbey.
2. He ---- (ask) me which animals I ---- (see) in Africa.
3. After Columbus ---- (discover) America, he ----- (return) to Spain.
4. Before they ---- (move) to Liverpool, they ----- (sell) everything.
5. After he ---- (work) very hard, he ----- (fall) ill.
6. She ----- (open) the box after she ----- (find) the key.
7. They ----- (go) to a restaurant after they ---- (sail).
8. Before they ---- (start) the party, they ---- (invite) some friends.
9. After she ---- (wash) the curtains, she ----- (clean) the windows.
10. They ---- (go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus ----- (arrive).

Past Perfect
(Писать в тетради)
1)     1. She ---- in Sweden before she went to Norway. (to live)
  1. 2. After we ---- the cornflakes, Henry came in. (to eat)
  2. 3. Before Ken ran to Kerry's house, he ----- him. (to phone)
  3. 4. After they ----- their rucksacks, they rode away on their bikes. (to pack)
  4. 5. Gerry helped his grandma in the house because his father ---- him so. (to tell)
  5. 6. The cat hid under the chair because the children ---- so loud. (to be)
  6. 7. After Max ---- his breakfast, he left the flat. (to finish)
  7. 8.By the time the show began, all friends ----. (to arrive)
  8. 2) Past Perfect or Past Simple
  9.  1. After we --- it on the phone, I ----him an email about it. discuss, write
    2. Before we ---- Bob to the theatre, he ---- a stage play before. take, never see
    3. By the time we ----, the football match -----arrive, finish
    4. He ----- to do the job in an hour, but he still ----- by 7 o’clock. promise, not finish
    5. I ----- the carpet when the dog ---- in and shook himself. just clean, come
    6. By the time I -----, the concert -----arrive, finish
    7. I ---- the shop as soon as I ----- the contents of the box. ring, check
    8. They ----- the door before I ----- there. lock, get
    9. We ----- a good rest when our gests ------have, all leave
    10. When she ---- the office this morning, Tom ---- out.ring, already go



сделать скриншоты или записать в тетради правильные ответы

Square, capital, city, town, country, queen, guard, west, east, north, south, museum, cathedral, palace, tower, parliament, abbey, gallery.
Historical, exciting, famous, amazing, wonderful, modern, impressive.

Travelling (слова на диктант)
Trip, journey, travelling, airport, railway station, bus stop, underground station, flight, platform, single ticket, return ticket, bus pass, token, ticket machine, noticeboard, depart, arrive, passport, red double-decker, luggage, fast, comfortable, easy, exciting, difficult

1.    1.   Complete the gaps with a form of have to or must.

1. The teacher said: «You --do all exercises on page 21."
2.  I 
---take these medicines to be well..
3. I ---say sorry because I have broken my friemd's pen.
4. We --- wear school uniform.
5. He ---clean the classroom because he had been throwing papers on the floor.
6. "You ---help me", said my friend.
7. "I 
---go.  I'll miss my train."

2.      Choose the best modal for each sentence (don't have to or mustn't )

1.You ___ go to the library. You can find information in the Internet.
A.    don't have to                   B.    mustn't
2.You ____ pass a test to ride a bicycle.
               A. mustn't                     B.  don't have to
    3. Ukrainians ________ get a visa to travel to Europe.
A. mustn't               B.  don't have to   
4. You ________ buy the text book  you can take it in the library.
A.  mustn't             B.   don't have to
5. Shops ________ sell cigarettes to children.
A. mustn't                  B.   don't have to
6. You ________ cross the street in thi place.
    1.    don't have to            B.   mustn't

Вставити can/can't, could/couldn't
1. I --- skate  very well.
2. My sister --- read but she is only 3.
3. When I was 5 I --- ride a bike fast.
4. Last year Pasha --- do karate but now he is a good karate boy.
5. My dad --- play hockey. He won the match with his team.
6. Ann --- play chess now but she --- play last year.

Слова на диктант

Athletics. skiing. ski-jumping,  cycling, sailing, boating, boxing, skating, figure skating,  karate, judo, gymnastics, hockey, chess, baseball, horse racing. 
Enjoy, be fond of, go in for, attend, train, score a goal, win, compete, equipment, competitions, team, coach

Winter holidays

Смотреть, выписать незнакомые слова.

Слова на диктант:
ex.1 p.140, ex.1 p.143, ex.3 p.146, ex.4 p.148, ex.5 p.151, ex.1 p.156

Kryvyi Rih
 Kryvyi Rih is  situated in Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine. It stands on the Saksahan and Inhulets rivers. It is the longest city in Europe. 655,000 people live there.
Kryvyi Rih was founded as a postal town in 1775 by the Cossacks. Now it is a big industrial city. There are a lot of mines, plants, and factories. Kryvyi Rih is famous of its iron and steel.
The city is very green. There are a lot of parks and squares with trees bushes and beautiful flowers. 
Kryvyi Rih is cultural centre too. There are three theatres, four cinemas, art galleries and museums in it. We have  lots of interesting monuments, and nice churches. There are many shops, schools, institutes and libraries too. People can do sport in stadiums and sport centres.
Kryvyi Rih is  beautiful . I love my home city.

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