"To have another language is to possess a second soul."



Winter Holidays

Смотреть, выписать British ????? family traditions before Chritmas

Control speaking

  1. My family
1) Introduction of you and your family 
2) Main body
- is your family large or big? Advantades and disadvantages
- do you have any conflicts and why? how do you olve them?
- family traditions
3) Conclusion






gerunds vs infinitives


сделать скрин


Смотреть, переводить видео. На основе видео и текста в прошлом уроке написать 12-15 предложений об одном месяце своего лета.


Читать, переводить текст. Выписать глаголы в Past Simple

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.

As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.

Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. This year wasn`t exception, so I spent almost the whole month there. In my opinion, the countryside is the best place for young people's holidays. Firstly, they can have a break from technology. In most villages, connection is very weak. It allows them to switch off from their everyday life full of social media. Secondly, the environment is better in the country. They can enjoy beautiful nature, fresh air, and greens all around them. Both break from technology and the better environment will have a positive effect on their health, reduce stress and anxiety. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often went to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. Sometimes we went fishing or boating. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together. And of course I helped my grandparents. Every evening I watered fruit trees and vegetables. We picked a lot of apples, pears, grapes, peaches and so on. Sometimes I had to weed the weeds and dig too.

 August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so travelling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love travelling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy and Spain. It helps to keep the balance between active and peaceful rest. Last year we visited Greece. It was our first time in this beautiful and hospitable country. The Mediterranean Sea was fantastic and the sun was gentle. Several times we went out to the fashionable restaurants to try local dishes. Greek cuisine is delicious. It involves lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, seafood and olive oil. I spent lots of time swimming, sunbathing and playing active beach games. For a change we decided to visit some local sights. First of all we visited the Parthenon on top of the Acropolis. It’s one of most beautiful ancient temples of Greece and the most visited tourist attraction. We also visited a volcanic island of Santorini, which is famous for its dramatic views and stunning sunsets. All in all, it was a great vacation. I hope that we will go there again sometimes.

So, I suppose that summer must be full of rest, going out with friends and obligatory travelling..



Summer holidays

Смотреть, переводить, выписывать незнакомые слова

Карантин.             моя почта  t.maksimova1968@gmail.com

TEST    https://www.efset.org/ru/

Вопросы на говорение

1. What do you like and don't like about your school?
2. Ukrainian educational system
3. Your favourite subject and why do you need and like it
4. Is it important to have higher education?
5. What are you going to do after school?
6. Your future job     + вопросы из упр.1 стр.60 

До 20.05.20

ex.5 p. 68  писать , фото мне
                                                                     До 13.05.20  

p. 62, 63 ex. 4, 5, 1 

https://www.english-grammar.at/online_exercises/tenses/t099-tenses.htm  (скрин) 
 упражнение на разные времена

До 05.05.20

Смотреть и переводить видео. Фразы учить    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=235MNImhIko

ex. 3  p. 61  на основе стр. 162
ex. 2,3 p.62 

До 04.05. 20

ex.8 p. 147 ( write)

До 29.04.20


Future Continuous               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d258vuhKXSU

Future Perfect Simople Future Perfect Continuos 

Тренировочные упражнения

До 27.04.20
Объяснение     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJrrz6VAplc


все скрины мне

пятница 17.04.20 тест по словам стр.70 ч.1

До 22.04.20 

Смотреть и переводить  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zyca6fGo4A

ex. 5,6, 7 p. 61 

6 - писать в тетрадь , составить предложения с этими фразами
7 - ответы в тетрадь. Мне фото

До 15.04.20

Смотреть и переводить    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN2jyw6D1ak&t=56s


SB  p. 59

До 13.04.20
SB p. 58 ex. 11,12,13,14
слова учим

до 06.04.20

ex. 8, 10 (5-7 предложений) р.57

слова учить

до 03.04.20

Лексика    http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/vocabulary/2v5-who-would-say.php
(скрины мне)

SB p.6 ex.2  p/57 ex. 3  ex.5 (свои предложения)

до 26.03.20

Составить предложения из фраз
look for      искать
take up      заняться
take part      принимать участие
learn from      учиться у (кого-то)
from my point of view      с моей точки зрения   
draw attention      обращать внимание
keep in touch      оставаться на связи
keep up with      поспевать, равняться
get on     успевать (в школе)
get on with      ладить с кем-то

SB p/48 ex 2,3 писать
SB p. 49 ex. 4 (верхнее)  ex. 2 (левое)
  до 20.03.20
учебник стр.46-47 (скрины|фото  Злате) 
+ упражнение на повторение времен
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in
Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple,
 Past Continuous, Present Continuous
 on this for long time. work
 on this when they came. work
Have you heard the news? Bob  an arm
yesterday. break
People seldom  arms. break
Tom  an email now. write
He always  email in the evening. write
How many emails  she today? write
Not many, she just begin
 ‘Enter the dragon’? you / see
No, I didn’t go when they  it in our cinema.

Education in Great Britain
Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. There are many children who attend a nursery school from the age of 3, but it is not compulsory. In nursery schools they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours, and letters. Apart from that, babies play, have lunch and sleep there. Whatever they do, there is always someone keeping an eye on them.
Compulsory education begins at the age of 5 when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for 6 years. It is divided into two periods: infant schools (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old). In infant schools children don't have real classes. They mostly play and learn through playing. But when pupils are 7, real studying begins. Now they have real classes, when they sit at desks, read, write and answer the teacher's questions.
Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years. Secondary school is traditionally divided into 5 forms: a form to each year. Children study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training. Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science are called "core" subjects. At the age of 7,11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects.
There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain. They are:
1) comprehensive schools, which take pupils of all abilities without exams. In such schools pupils are often put into certain sets or groups, which are formed according to their abilities for technical or humanitarian subjects. Almost all senior pupils (around 90 per cent) go there;
2) grammar schools, which give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability, usually at 11. Grammar schools are single sexed schools;
3) modern schools, which don't prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.
After five years of secondary education, at the age of 16, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. When they are in the third or in the forth form, they begin to choose their exam subjects and prepare for them.
After finishing the fifth form pupils can make their choice: they may either leave school and go to a Further Education College or continue their education in the sixth form. Those who stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to get a place at one of British universities.
There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Most of these schools are boarding ones, where children live as well as study. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them. Private schools are also called preparatory (for children up to 13 years old) and public schools (for pupils from 13 to 18 years old). Any pupil can enter the best university of the country after leaving this school.
After leaving secondary school young people can apply to a university, a polytechnic or a college of further education.
Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview.
After three years of study a university graduate get the Degree of a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Engineering. Many students then continue their studies for a Master's Degree and then a Doctor's Degree (PhD).

1. When do British boys and girls begin to go to school?
2. What subjects do they study at school?
3. How long does secondary education last?
4. What subjects are called "core" subjects?
5. At what age do children have their exams?
6. What's the difference between modern and grammar schools?
7. What are private schools?
8. Can you enter the university after modern schools?
9. What exams should you pass to enter the university?
10.What do the children do in infant school?

compulsory — обязательный
nursery school — детский сад (государственный)
to keep an eye on smb. — следить за кем-либо
infant school — школа для малышей, младшая школа
core subject — основной предмет
comprehensive school — общеобразовательная школа
GCSE — экзамен на сертификат об окончании среднего образования
"A" (advanced) Level Exam — экзамен уровня 'А' (продвинутого)
preparatory school — подготовительная частная школа
public school — привилегированная частная школа

extramural — заочный, вечерний

Задание на зимние каникулы!     


Смотреть фильм с субтитрами, выписывать незнакомые слова и выражения


Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Делать все упражнения

Films for summer holidays 

Смотреть не меньше 3 фильмов или полный сериал.

British Englis

Extr@ (2002—2004)  Перед тем как начать смотреть всё перечисленное выше, не пожалейте времени на классный британский молодёжный сериал «Extr@». Вещь действительно очень толковая и потому популярная. Обычно он идёт в комплекте с субтитрами и файлами для распечатки полных текстов серий, так что здесь проблем не возникнет.


Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001Возможно, сюжет на любителя, зато в фильме есть масса несложных «бытовых» диалогов — просто кладезь для желающих подтянуть неформальный британский английский. Между прочим, исполнительница главной роли Рене Зеллвегер во время съёмок не переставала применять британский английский и за пределами съёмочной площадки. Берите пример.

Going postal (2010)  Экранизация фэнтезийной повести британского писателя Терри Пратчетта — must see для поклонников мэтра и жанра фэнтези. Очень занятная комедия в стиле стимпанк, с элементами детектива и хорошим британским английским. Кстати, в последней сцене сам Пратчетт снялся в роли почтальона.

Sherlock (с 2010 года)  Современная интерпретация культовых историй Конан Дойля. Отмечу, что если на экране вы видите Мартина Фримана(он играет роль доктора Ватсона), — знайте, что смотрите полезное кино для совершенствования британского английского.

The Office (2001—2003)  Ещё один британский сериал с Фриманом, в котором можно услышать много ярких выражений из лексикона британских офисных работников. Если в будущем вы планируете пополнить их ряды — «The Office» поможет вам легко и непринуждённо влиться в коллектив. Только не спутайте этот сериал с его американской версией.

Miss Marple (1984—1992) / Poirot (1989—2013)  Старые добрые сериалы про Эркюля Пуаро и Мисс Марпл — классика детективного жанра, экранизация произведений Агаты Кристи. Захватывающие сюжеты, элегантные методики раскрытия преступлений и хороший британский английский — отличный «джентльменский набор».

American English

Forrest Gump (1994)  Трогательная драма Земекиса — полезное кино для начинающих. Главный герой говорит довольно медленно, просто и понятно, поэтому осилить фильм смогут даже «зелёные» новички. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJFkCJySHdY

Pulp Fiction (1994)  Шикарный выбор для любителей непринуждённых диалогов, приправленных крепким словцом. Из этого фильма можно почерпнуть кучу узнаваемых острых афоризмов и крылатых фраз типа «You okay? — Nah, man. I’m pretty fucking far from okay».

The Lake House (2006)  Драма с элементами фэнтези, реально полезное кино для совершенствования письменной английской речи. Сюжет завязан на переписке героев, живущих в разное время, что поможет вам развить навыки правильного составления неформальных писем.

Jerry Maguire (1996)  Комедийная драма для зрителей-учеников, планирующих в дальнейшем украсить собой штат крупной американской корпорации. Правильно говорить, правильно формулировать и даже правильно мыслить по-английски — всему этому научит вас Джерри Магуайер.

Friends (1994—2004)  Эпопея с ненавязчивым юмором и лёгкими диалогами поможет быстро влиться в основные премудрости неформального американского английского для повседневного общения. Правда, в сериале присутствуют частые вставки заливистого закадрового смеха, но в нашем случае это и неплохо: появляется пара свободных секунд, чтобы переварить полученную новую информацию.  http://www.freenglish.ru/6part/1C1.html

источник http://www.lookatme.ru/mag/live/inspiration-lists/213255-learning-english

 (здесь много фильмов)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

1    I have to finish my homework before I can play on my computer.
      I can’t ____________I have finished my homework.

2    You have to wash the dishes before you go out.
      You can’t _____________________ the dishes.

3    Say you’re sorry and we can be friends again.
      We can be friends again _____________________ you’re sorry.

4    Take your coat with you because it might rain.
      Take your coat with _____________________ rains.

5    If you pass your exams, we’ll buy you a new computer.
      We’ll buy you a new computer _____________________ your exams.

6    That dress won’t fit me until I’ve lost three kilos.
      That dress won’t fit me _____________________ three kilos.

7    As long as you promise to give it back tomorrow, I’ll lend you my CD player.

      I’ll lend you my CD player _____________________ it back tomorrow.

2. Fill the gap in each sentence with as long as, in case of, in case or unless.
1 I'm taking last year's accounts with me to the tax office ___ they want to look at the figures. 
2I won't mention that he's left ___someone asks. 
3It'll be worth our while to continue producing large quantities ___we continue to market and promote the product. Otherwise, we should slow down production. 
4The bank will continue to transfer the interest to your current account__instructed otherwise. 
5The organisers of the event have made arrangements for indoor as well as outdoor activities __ rain. 
6 ___ you hear otherwise, assume there'll be sixteen of us coming to the conference. 
7We're prepared to go ahead with it ___ it doesn't jeopardise our positions. 
8We've installed an alarm link with the local police station ___burglary. 
9It's a bit cloudy. Take an umbrella ___ it rains! 

10 __ a fire in the building, sound the alarm as soon as possible and then leave via the stairs. 

1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.
a) Why didn't you phone? If I (know)  ....had  known  you  were
coming, I (meet)  you at the airport.
b) It's a pity you missed the party. If you (come)  ,
you (meet)  my friends from Hungary.
c) If we (have)  some tools, we (be able)
to repair the car, but we haven't got any with us.
d) If you (not help)  me, I (not pass)
the exam.
e) It's a beautiful house, and I (buy)  it if I (have)
the money, but I can't afford it.
f) I can't imagine what I (do)  with the money if I
(win)  the lottery.
g) If Mark (train)  harder, he (be)
a good runner.
h) If Claire (listen)  to her mother, she (not marry)
David in the first place.

2  Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
a) I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.
I wouldn't have got wet if I'd had an umbrella with me
b) I'll call the police if you don't leave me alone!
c) In the snowy weather we don't go to school.
d) Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
e) Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits.
f) If you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed.
g) If you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
h) I wouldn't accept if you asked me to marry you!
If you were

Vocabulary Travelling
General Vocabulary
to travel (-ll-) – путешествовать
to travel light – путешествовать налегке
to travel by train – путешествовать поездом
to travel about … – путешествовать по
to travel abroad – путешествовать за границей
to go abroad – ехать за границу
to arrive in – прибывать в (крупный город, страну, континент и т. д.)
to arrive in Moscow, the USA etc.
to arrive at – прибывать в (небольшой населенный пункт, на вокзал и т. д.)
to arrive at the village, the airport etc.
arrival – прибытие
departure – отправление
destination – место назначения, цель путешествия, похода и т.д.
to arrive at one’s destination.
en route (from … to; for …) – в пути
We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London
They passed through Paris en route for Rome
to see smb off – провожать кого-либо
to take leave of smb – прощаться с кем-л.
to blow a kiss – послать воздушный поцелуй
Bon voyage! – Счастливого пути!
Kinds of Travels
tour – тур, путешествие (с посещением раз-личных мест, городов, стран и т.д.)
a round-the-world tour
trip – путешествие, короткая поездка (в определенную страну, город, место)
a honeymoon trip to Venice
a two-day trip to the seaside
journey – путешествие, длительная поездка
a long train journey
cruise [kru:z] – морской круиз
voyage [v] – вояж, путешествие (по морю, воздуху, в космосе)
hike (hiking trip) –пешеходный поход, пешая экскурсия
hitch-hike – путешествие автостопом
to make a tour– совершить путешествие
to take a trip – отправиться в путешествие
to go on a journey – отправиться в путешествие
to set off for a voyage – отправиться в путешествие
Dealing with the Travel Agency
travel (tourist) agency – тур. агентство
package tour – организованная туристическая поездка (по путевке)
to buy a package tour – купить турпутевку
to book a place in tourist group – купить турпутевку
ticket for a train/ plane/ ship – билет на поезд/ самолет/ корабль
half fare ticket –билет за полстоимости
full ticket – билет за полную стоимость
single or one-way ticket – билет в один конец
return or round-trip ticket – билет в оба конца
adult (child’s) ticket – взрослый (детский) билет
to produce tickets – предъявить билеты
booking – заказ билетов
booking office – билетная касса
to book tickets – покупать (заказывать) билеты
to book tickets in advance (beforehand) – заказывать билеты заранее
reserved booking (reservation) – предварительный заказ (бронирование)
to get tickets – достать билеты
to deliver the tickets – доставить билеты
to have the tickets delivered – получить билеты (с доставкой на дом)
to cancel booking – отменить бронирование
to be sold out/ to be booked up – быть проданным (о билетах)
luggage (US baggage) – багаж
hand luggage – ручная кладь
brief-case – ручной чемодан, портфель
suit case – чемодан
trunk – большой чемодан (сундук)
rucksack/backpack – рюкзак
luggage tag (label) – бирка, прикрепляемая к чемодану
to check/ register one’s luggage – сдать вещи в багаж
luggage receipt (slip) – багажная квитанция
left-luggage office – камера хранения
to leave/ deposit one’s luggage – сдать багаж на хранение
to withdraw one’s luggage – взять багаж из камеры хранения
Travelling by Train
railway station – железнодорожный вокзал
station – станция
terminus – конечная станция
junction – узловая станция
station master – дежурный по станции
porter – носильщик
platform – платформа
departure platform – перрон
track – путь
siding – запасной путь
signal box – блок-пост
railway lines or rails – рельсы
sleepers – шпалы
point – стрелка
train – поезд
day coach – сидячий поезд
express train – экспресс
fast train – скорый поезд
slow train – поезд малой скорости
passenger train – пассажирский поезд
mail train – почтовый поезд
freight (goods) train – товарный поезд
electric train – электропоезд
local (suburban) train – пригородный поезд
long-distance train – поезд дальнего следования
through train – поезд прямого следования
irregular (emergency) train – поезд вне расписания
ticket-inspector – контролер
ticket-collector or (guard-)attendant – проводник
fellow-passenger – попутчик
coach (carriage; car) – вагон
compartment – купе
compartment car – купейный вагон
car with reserved seats – плацкартный вагон
sleeping car (sleeper) – спальный вагон
smoking car (smoker) – вагон для курящих
non-smoking car (non-smoker) – вагон для некурящих
dining-car – вагон-ресторан
luggage van – багажный вагон
first (second, third) class car – вагон первого (второго, третьего) класса
first (second, third) class sleeper – международный (мягкий, жесткий) спальный вагон
berth – полка (в вагоне)
upper berth – верхняя полка
lower berth – нижняя полка
seat – место (в вагоне)
to have a seat facing the engine – иметь место по ходу поезда
to have a seat with one’s back to the engine – иметь место против движения поезда
luggage rack – багажная полка
to be bound for – направляться
the train is bound for St. Petersburg – поезд направляется в Санкт-Петербург
timetable/ schedule – расписание
to leave on the dot/ on time – оправляться по расписанию
to keep or to run to schedule – идти по расписанию (о поездах)
to be/ to fall behind schedule – опаздывать
to catch the train – успеть на поезд
to miss the train – опоздать на поезд
boarding – посадка
to board a train – сесть на поезд
to get off/ to alight from a train – сойти с поезда
to change trains – делать пересадку
to come to a stop – остановиться
to be due in … minutes – прибывать через
The train is due in 10 minutes – поезд прибывает через десять минут
Travelling by Air
airport – аэропорт
(air)plane – самолет
(air)liner – авиалайнер
glider – планер
helicopter – вертолет
light aircraft – легкий самолет
jet-plane – реактивный самолет
cockpit – кабина пилота
fuselage [‘fju:z al: ] – фюзеляж
wing – крыло
jet engine – реактивный двигатель
gangway – трап
ramp – трап
porthole – иллюминатор
hangar – ангар
control tower – аэродромно-диспетчерский пункт
runway – взлетная полоса
crew – команда, экипаж корабля
captain – командир корабля
pilot – пилот
navigator – штурман
air hostess – бортпроводница
air steward – бортпроводник
boarding – посадка (в самолет)
boarding card (pass) – посадочный талон
to board the plane – сесть в самолет
on board the plane – на борту самолета
to fly coach – лететь эконом-классом
to fly first-class – лететь бизнес-классом
seat-belt (safety belt) – ремни безопасности
to fasten one’s belts – пристегнуть ремни
flight – полет, рейс
non-stop flight – беспосадочный полет
charter flight – чартерный рейс
altitude – высота
to fly at an altitude of … – лететь на высоте
to gather speed – набирать скорость
to fly at a speed of … – лететь со скоростью
to taxi – выруливать (на взлетной полосе)
to take off – взлетать
to descend – идти на посадку, спускаться
to land/ to make a landing – совершить посадку
forced landing – вынужденная посадка
flying weather – летная погода
non-flying weather – нелетная погода
all-weather flying – полеты в любую погоду
visibility – видимость
visibility is good (poor, nil) – видимость хорошая (плохая, нулевая)
blind flying (landing) – полет (посадка) вслепую
to rock – качаться (взад и вперед)
to hit an air pocket – попасть в воздушную яму
to be air-sick – плохо переносить полет
to suffer from air-sickness – страдать от укачивания
air crash – авиакатастрофа
to hijack a plane – угнать самолет
Travellingby Water
sea-port – морской порт
harbour – гавань
quay [ki:], pier – причал, пирс
quayside [‘ki:said] – пристань
buoy [boi] – буй, бакен
dock – док
vessel – судно
ship (steamer boat) – пароход
cargo ship – грузовой корабль
liner – пассажирский пароход
yacht [jo:t] – яхта
punt – плоскодонная лодка
motor boat/ launch – моторная лодка
canoe – каноэ
raft – плот
hovercraft – судно на воздушной подушке
tug – буксирное судно
tugboat – буксир
ferry – паром
barge – баржа
trawler – траулер
tanker – танкер
gangway – трап, сходни
deck – палуба
upper (lower) deck – верхняя (нижняя) палуба
promenade deck – прогулочная палуба
on deck the ship –на палубе корабля
deck-chair – шезлонг, кресло на палубе
side – борт (корабля)
starboard side – правый борт
port side – левый борт
on board the ship – на борту корабля
man overboard! – человек за бортом!
 cabin – каюта
state-room – каюта-люкс
lounge – салон
hold – трюм
galley – камбуз
engine room – машинное отделение
porthole – иллюминатор
stern – корма
bow [bau] – нос (судна)
rails – леера, поручни
funnel – дымовая труба
mast – мачта
sail – парус
life-belt – спасательный пояс
life-buoy – спасательный круг
life-boat – спасательная шлюпка
rudder – руль (корабельный)
to steer – вести (судно)
anchor – якорь
to cast anchor – бросить якорь
to weigh anchor – сняться с якоря
crew – команда, экипаж
captain – капитан корабля
mate – помощник капитана
pilot – лоцман
boatswain – боцман
radio operator – радист
steersman – рулевой
steward – стюард
to reserve a berth (a cabin) on board a ship – заказать билет на пароход
to raise the gangway – поднять трап, сходни to board the ship – сесть на корабль
to go ashore – сойти на берег
to set sail for … – отплыть в
to be bound for … – направляться в
to call at a port – зайти в порт
to be moored at a pier – быть пришвартованным
horizon [h ‘raizn] – горизонт
high seas – открытое море, море за пределами территориальных вод
fresh water – пресная вода
tide – прилив, отлив
stream (currant) – поток, течение
up stream – вверх по течению
down stream – вниз по течению
to have a smooth voyage (passing, crossing) – совершить спокойный переезд по морю
to have a rough voyage (passing, crossing) – совершить переезд по бушующему морю
calm (smooth) sea – спокойное море
rough sea – неспокойное море
heavy/ high sea – сильное волнение, большая волна
tossing – качка
pitching – килевая качка
rolling – боковая (бортовая) качка
shipwreck – кораблекрушение
to be a poor sailor – плохо переносить морскую качку
to be sea sick – страдать от морской болезни
to suffer from sea-sickness – страдать от морской болезни
to find one’s sea-legs – адаптироваться к морской качке
old salt – морской волк
Proverbs & Sayings
East or West, home is best. – В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Every country has its customs. – У каждой страны свои обычаи.
So many countries, so many customs. – Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
To carry coal to Newcastle. – Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром.
When in Rome, do as Romans do. – В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
Idiomatic Expressions
beyond/ over the seas – за морем, за границей, в чужих краях
maiden trip (voyage) – первое плавание, первый рейс (нового корабля, самолета, поезда)
to sit (travel) bodkin – сидеть (ехать) стиснутым между двумя пассажирами
a/ smb’s sheet anchor – якорь спасения, вечное прибежище, единственная на

1.airport      captain      check in      customs      flight      landed      stewardesses      took      took off      was reading   
Last month I decided to visit my relatives in Great Britain. I travelled from New York to London by plane. I arrived at New York  an hour before my . First I had to  and then I went through . My plane  at 2 pm. There was no delay. After a few minutes the  greeted us aboard and wished us a pleasant . Three pretty  started to serve meals and drinks. Then I  a book for an hour or so and  a short nap. After about four hours we  at Heathrow Airport in London.

2. Choose the correct, most natural-sounding response according to the context of the conversation: 

YOU: Hello. _____________ a one-way ticket to Singapore, please.
  I'd like to buy
  I purchase
  I can buy

CLERK: Alright. And when would you like to leave? 

YOU: _____________ Monday if possible.

CLERK: So, the 22nd of May... We have a flight at 7:30 AM. It's $450... should I go ahead and book it for you? 

YOU: Yes, ______________, please book it.
  is perfect
  that's perfect

CLERK: OK... and your name? 

YOU: It's David Boreanaz. Would you like me to ______________ my last name for you?

CLERK: Yes, please. 

YOU: B-O-R-E-A-N-A-Z. And when does the flight ______________ ( = arrive in) Singapore?
  get in to
  get up at
  get up to

CLERK: Let me check... It arrives in Singapore at 2:00 PM local time. 

3.  Buying tickets 4 (ferry/boat)
Choose the correct, most natural-sounding response according to the context of the conversation: 

YOU: Hello. _____________?
  When can the next ferry to Calais leave
  When would the following ferry to Calais leave
  When does the next ferry to Calais leave

CLERK: At 10:45. Would you like to buy tickets.

YOU: Yes, _____________?
  how much it is
  how much are they
  how much cash

CLERK: The tickets are £100 each way.

YOU: OK, _____________, please.
  we'll take three
  can we give three
  we can take three

CLERK: Are you driving? Or do you have bicycles you'll be taking on the ferry?

YOU: No, we're ______________.
  no bicycle
  on foot

CLERK: Here are your tickets. That'll be £300 in total.

  Here is.
  Here you go.

1. The Chicago train leaves from ______ 4.
2. Before getting on the train, make sure you get a ticket from the ______.
    ticket office
    box office
    waiting room
    check in
3. I had so much ______ on the train, but this nice man helped me when we arrived in Paris.
4. I got into St. Louis too late and I missed my ______ to New Orleans.
5. After you leave Beaumont, there's a large ______ and you'll be able to get where you want really quickly.
6. If the police stop you, you will probably have to show them your ______.
7. You were going 20mph over the ______. I'm going to have to give you a fine.
    speed limit
    speed barrier
    speed rule
    speed maximum
8. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure all passengers in the car are wearing their ______.
    seat belts
    seat harnesses
9. After you check in, wait in the ______ until you hear your flight called.
    waiting room
    check-in lounge
    departure lounge
10. All flights to Canada go out of our southern ______. You can get there on the airport bus.
11. Would you prefer a window seat or a(n) ______ seat, Mr. Robson?
12. Please ensure you have fully filled out the green form for ______ before we land, stating anything on the list you are carrying into the country.
At the airport 2 (At the check-in desk)

2. Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation at the airport: 

CHECK-IN WORKER: Hello. Where are you flying today?

YOU: Hi, ________________ to London, England.
  I fly
  to fly
  I'm flying

CHECK-IN WORKER: Can I see your ticket and your passport, please?

YOU: Sure. Here's my passport. And here's my ________________.
  online purchase

CHECK-IN WORKER: Thank you. Would you like a window seat?

YOU: No, I'd like an ________________ seat please.
  open passage

CHECK-IN WORKER: OK, and is all this luggage yours?

YOU: These ________________ are mine.
  two luggages
  two bags
  two baggages

CHECK-IN WORKER: All right. One of your bags is overweight... I'm going to have to charge you for the excess weight.

YOU: I see. How much ________________ do I have to pay? And can I pay by credit card?

CHECK-IN WORKER: $30 dollars more, sir, and yes, we do accept credit cards.

3. BUYING TICKETS (train/bus tickets) - Questions and answers

Choose the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER that's given. What did the person ask to get this answer? 

1) ANSWER: It's the standard charge for the seat reservation. 
  Why did you charge me €5 more?
  Did you give me back my change?
  Do I have to change trains?

2) ANSWER: No, only regular seats. 
  How much is the ticket?
  Does this train have sleeper seats?
  Do I have to change trains?

3) ANSWER: Yes, it's 10% cheaper if you have your International Student Card. 
  Can I get a student discount?
  Is there a discount for seniors?
  Is there another train to London today?

4) ANSWER: No, it's a direct train. 
  Does this train have sleeper seats?
  How much is the ticket?
  Do I have to change trains?

5) ANSWER: No, we'll put them in the bus' baggage compartment. 
  Did you find my bag?
  Do I have to bring my bags on the bus?
  Is this the only bus station in this city?

6) ANSWER: Yes, there are three stops before that station. 
  Is this the only bus station in this city?
  Are there any buses going to Charleston today?
  Does the bus stop anywhere before the central bus station?

7) ANSWER: Yes, if it's not expired, you'll get back 70% of the ticket price. 
  Can I get a refund ( = money back) for an unused ticket?
  Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?
  Do you have a schedule I could look at?

8) ANSWER: If you buy your ticket one week in advance, it'll be 20% cheaper. 
  Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?
  Can I get a refund ( = money back) for an unused ticket?
  Do you have a schedule I could look at?

9) ANSWER: Yes, there's one at 10:00 AM, and another at 5:45 PM. 
  Can I get off before the central bus station?
  Are there any buses going to Charleston today?
  Is this the only bus station in town?

10) ANSWER: No, they leave from Victoria Station. 
  How much is a ticket to Brussels?
  How long is the trip to Brussels?
  Do trains to Brussels leave from this station?

На каникулы


17/03/17                      Gerund (52.1, 52.2, 52.3)   Infinitive (53.2, 53.3, 53.4, 53.5)


1.Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.
a) Would you prefer  ---- potatoes or chips?
 A) poached
B) ground
C) mashed
D) powdered
b) I bought this bread four days ago and now it's …..
 A) stale
 B) off
C) bad
D) rotten
 c) Don't forget to buy a packet of……peas.
 A) chilled
 B) frozen
C) frosted
D) chilly
 d) Can you give me the ……for this pie? It's delicious.
 A) prescription
B) instructions
C) ingredients
D) recipe
e)There was a wonderful smell of ……..bread in the kitchen.
 A) cooking
B) roasting
C) baking
D) grilling
 f) Don't buy those fish, they aren't very
 A) fresh
 B) new
C) recent
D) young
 g) I'd like to eat more of this cake, but it's very
 A) fat
B) fatty
C) fattened
D) fattening
 h) Waiter, I can't eat this meat. It's under-
 A) done
B) developed
C) nourished
D) weight
 i) Is the hamburger for you to eat here, or to….?
 A) go out
 B) take away
C) carry on
D) sit down
j) That was fantastic. Could I have a second…., please?
 A) plate
B) course
C) helping
D) service
2. Сomplete each phrase with the most suitable word.
Bacon, Butter, pepper, beer, forks, chips, grapes, saucers, bread, chocolate, instant coffee, wine
cups and
a loaf of
fish and

a bottle of
knives and

a can of
bread and

a bar of
eggs and

a jar of
salt and

a bunch of

 3. Complete each sentence with one suitable word. 
on, out, round, up, up, off, off, around, out, to
I'm trying to cut down

Don't worry! The smell of garlic wears
after a while.
Let's look
the market before we buy any vegetables.
I can't understand this recipe. Can you work
what it means?
I'm afraid I don't feel up

eating another cream cake.
I visited a farm once, and it put me

eating meat for a week.
I haven't got
to cleaning the fish yet.
Why don't we warm

last night's leftovers for lunch?
Keith usually makes

his recipes as he goes along.
The waiter seemed a bit put

when we didn't leave a tip.

Reported speech.

1. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
a) What time does the next boat leave?
Do you think you could tell me what time the next boat leaves
b) Where can I change some money?
Can you tell me
c) Where is the toilet?
Could you possibly tell me
d) How much does this pullover cost?
I'd like to know
e) How do I get to Victoria Station?
Can you explain
f) Does this train go to Gatwick Airport?
Could you tell me
g) Where do you come from?
Would you mind telling me
h) What do you think of London?
Do you think you could tell me

1.       Put the correct form of one of the verbs in the box into each space.
Accuse, remind, admit, apologize, deny, offer, advise, confess, suggest, doubt,decide
a) 'No, it's not true, I didn't steal the money!'
Jean  ---  stealing the money/that she had stolen the money.
b) 'Why don't we go to the cinema this evening?'
Peter --- going to the cinema/that they went to the cinema.
c) 'I've broken your pen. I'm awfully sorry, Jack.'
David ---  for breaking Jack's pen.
d) 'Don't forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?'
Diana --- Sue to post her letter.
e) 'Let me carry your suitcase, John.'
Harry  --- to carry John's suitcase.
f) 'All right, it's true, I was nervous.'
The leading actor  --- to being nervous/that he had been nervous.
g) 'I don't think Liverpool will win.'
Vanessa ---  whether Liverpool would win.
h) 'If I were you, Bill, I'd buy a mountain bike.'
Stephen  --- Bill to buy a mountain bike.
i) 'You murdered Lord Digby, didn't you, Colin!'
The inspector --- Colin of murdering Lord Digby.
j) 'It was me who stole the money,' said Jim.
Jim  --- to stealing the money.
k) 'Right. I'll take the brown pair.'
Andrew ---  to take the brown pair.

1  Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.
a) Helen asked me if I liked visiting old buildings.
Do you like/Did you like visiting old buildings?' asked Helen.
b) Bill asked Mary if she had done anything the previous weekend.
'Have you done /Did you do anything last weekend?'
c) The policeman asked me if the car belonged to me.
'Does/Did this car belong to you?' asked the policeman.
d) Fiona asked me if I had seen her umbrella anywhere.
'Did you see/Have you seen my umbrella anywhere?' asked Fiona.
e) Joe asked Tina when she would get back.
'When will you get/have you got back?' asked Joe.
f) Eddie asked Steve who he had been to the cinema with.
'Who did you go/had you been to the cinema with?' asked Eddie.
g) My parents asked me what time I had got home the night before.
'What time did you get/have you got home last night?' my parents asked.
h) David asked a passer-by if it was the right road for Hastings.
'Is/Was this the right road for Hastings?' asked David.

2 Rewrite each question in indirect speech, beginning as shown.
a) 'What time does the film start, Peter?'
I asked Peter what time the film started.
b) 'Do you watch television every evening, Chris?'
The interviewer asked
c) 'Why did you apply for this job?' asked the sales manager.
The sales manager asked me
d) 'Are you taking much money with you to France?'
My bank manager wanted to know
e) 'When will I know the results of the examination?'
Maria asked the examiner
f) 'Are you enjoying your flight?'
The flight attendant asked me
g) 'How does the photocopier work?'
I asked the salesman
h) 'Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?'
Sue asked Paul

3 Put the correct form of either say, tell or ask in each space.
a) I  told  that you had to be on time. Why are you late?
b) When you   -----her if she'd work late, what did she ......?
c) I think that Alan ---- us a lie about his qualifications.
d) When I  -----  him what he was doing there, he --- me it was none of my business.
e) I -----  I would help you, so here I am.
f) Did you hear what Sheila  ----  about her new job?
g) What did Carol   ----  you about her holiday?
h) There, you see! I  --- you the bus would be on time.


1.  1     Yesterday you  met  a friend  of  yours, Steve.  You  hadn't  seen  him for a long time. Here are  some of  the  things Steve said  to  you:
1 I'm living in London.                                                                   
2  My  father isn't very well.
3  Rachel and Mark are getting   married next  month.
4  My  sister  has  had a baby.  -----
5  I  don't  know what  joe  is doing.
6 I saw Helen  at  a party in June and  she  seemed fine.
7  I haven't  seen  Amy  recently.
8 I'm  not  enjoying  my  job  very much.
9 You  can  come and stay  at  my  place if  you're ever in London.
10 My  car was stolen a  few  days ago.
11 I  want  to  go on holiday,  but  I can't afford  it .
12 I'll  tell  Chris I saw you.
Later  that  day  you  tell  another  friend  what  Steve said. Use  reported  speech.

2. Rewrite each sentence as direct speech.
a) Graham told Ian he would see him the following day.
..I'll see you tomorrow, Ian,' said Graham.
b) Pauline told the children their swimming things were not there.
c) David told me my letter had arrived the day before.
d) Shirley told Larry she would see him that evening.
e) Bill told Stephen he hadn't been at home that morning.
f) Margaret told John to phone her on the following day.
g) Tim told Ron he was leaving that afternoon.
h) Christine told Michael she had lost her lighter the night before.

3. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.
a) 'You can't park here.'
The police officer told Jack  ...
b) 'I'll see you in the morning, Helen.'
Peter told Helen
c) 'I'm taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening.'
Janet said
d) 'The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.'
Paul told the dry-cleaners
e) 'I left my umbrella here two days ago.'
Susan told them
f) 'The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.'
Brian said
g) 'I like this hotel very much.'
Diana told me
h) 'I think it's going to rain tonight.'
William said

Purpose, resut and contrast
2  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
a) Sue went shopping so she could buy herself a new television.   
Sue went  shopping to  buy herself a new television.
b) You use this to open wine bottles.                                                         
This  _______________wine bottles.
c) I put the food in the fridge because I wanted it to get cold.             
I put the food in the fridge ____________ cold.
d) Harry left early because he didn't want to miss the bus.                       
Harry _______________ to miss the bus.
e) I saved up some money to buy a motorbike.                                           
I saved up some money ______________ a motorbike.
f) Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money.                 
Jane gave up smoking ______________  money.
g) I came here so that I could see you.                                                             
I  ___________________you.

3  Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
a) Sam lost his job because he was lazy.                          
   Sam was  so  lazy  that  he  lost  his  job.
b) I couldn't buy the house because it was expensive.                              
The house was too
c) The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down.                       
 It was
d) There was too much noise, so we couldn't hear the speech.                
 There was so
e) The house was too small to live in comfortably.                                     
  The house wasn't
f) We can't eat now because there isn't enough time.                                
 There is too
g) I can't come to your party because I'm too busy.                                     
 I'm too
h) The class was cancelled because there weren't enough students.
There were so

4  Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning. Two sentences should be rewritten as one.
a) Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk.
Although ..it was cold, we all went for a walk.
b) John has done well in French, but not so well in Maths.
c) I tried to persuade her. I didn't succeed, however.
d) It was raining, but I went swimming anyway.
In spite of
e) Ann felt ill, but insisted on going to work.
f) In spite of his early lead, Hudson lost the race.
g) I'm not going to pay, although I know that I should.
h) We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn't.
Even though Larry

Do only 112/2

Question tags
1. I'm late, 
2. Give  me an umbrella, 
3. He's never done his homework, 
4. It works, 
5. I've finished, 
6. You like it, 
7. You can see him, 
8. I must do this work, 
9. Don't go out in the evening,
10. There's no reason to leave now,
11. Let's go home, 

Put the correct weather-related idioms into the box in each sentence, paying careful attention to the form.
under the weather
rain on someone's parade
every cloud has a silver lining
head in the clouds
storm in a teacup
get wind of something
it never rains but it pours
under a cloud
hot under the collar
blow hot and cold
make heavy weather of something
any port in a storm
1. I only touched his new car and he went crazy. He is over-protective of it and made a real .
2. He has been  ever since he was caught cheating in the exam. Everyone looks at him strangely and it will take him a long time before he is trusted again.
3. If you are feeling a bit , go and have a walk around the block, get some fresh air and try and calm down a bit.
4. Are you feeling a bit ? You have been looking a bit tired and ill since you arrived in the office this morning.
5. First the bank sent us that rude letter about our loan, then the house got broken into to, then this morning John lost his job! .
6. I can never tell what mood she is going to be in. She always and you have to be really careful around her.
7. When I lost my job three years ago, I felt so depressed but it is true that : I started my own business and have been happier ever since.
8. We have hardly any money. You will have to accept any job they offer you because we need to money desperately. We have to accept .
9. Your uncle was so happy about his new model car that he had finished but his wife turned round and really  saying it was just a toy for kids.
10. It was only five miles to the next hostel but we  of it due to the weight of the packs and took nearly three hours to get there.
11. I never knew about the chance of a new job at all. I only from Kathy who had overheard the managers talking at lunch in the staff canteen.
12. Daisy always  - a real dreamer who finds it difficult to accept the mundane in life. She is a typical teenager!

Конец формы
Weather/Climate terms and expressions
1. It's very cold. = It's ---------. (frozen/freezing)
2. It was cold in the morning, but it ------- (warmed/heated) up by the afternoon.
3. Many homes were -------- (destructed/destroyed) by the hurricane.
4. Small pellets of ice that fall from the sky during a storm are called ----- (rain/hail).
5. Don't go outside! You could get ---- (struck/stroked) by lightning!
6. The ---- (thunder/lightning) was very loud.
7. It was so ----- (wind/windy) outside that my hat was blown off my head.
8. A ----- (gutsy/gusty) wind = A very strong wind
9. A snowstorm = A ---- (blizzard/buzzard)
10. If the weather is mild and pleasant, you can say it's ----(balmy/calming).
Weather forecasts
Complete the gaps with the following words: 
chilly, cloudy, drizzle, frosty, hail, heavy, humid, mist, overcast, showers, snow, stormy, sunny, temperatures, warm.
1. It's quite warm in the UK, but there's going to be drizzle and light  for most of the day. In the north of France it's  with sunny spells, and  should reach 25ºC in the south, where it's  and sunny. There's a lot of  weather in Germany, along with some  rain. The south of Spain will have a warm and  day, but it's going to remain  in the north.

2. It will be an extremelly 
 day in the UK, and it will be rather  to begin with. It's very cold in France too, with the possibility of  this afternoon in the north and some  and light showers in the south. In Germany there's already heavy  falling in the north. In northern Spain, there will be some  and fog in places, and in the south it will be cloudy with some  spells* in the afternoon. 
* spell (noun-countable) = a short period of a particular kind of weather.

Future Actions

1.Underline the most suitable future form in each sentence.

a) Why are you going to buy/will you buy a new mountain bike?

b) Don't phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I'll study/I'll be studying then.

c) Look out! That tree will/is going to fall!

d) Let me know as soon as Louise will get/gets there.

e) Great news! Jean and Chris will come/are coming to stay with us.

f) According to this timetable, the bus is going to arrive/arrives at 6.00.

g) Can you call me at 7.00, because I'll leave/I'm leaving tomorrow.

h) If you arrive late at the sale, the best things will go/will have gone.

2  Put each verb in brackets into a suitable future form. More than one answer may be possible.

a) I can't see you on Thursday afternoon. I (visit)  ...  our Birmingham branch.

b) George (not be)  back until six. Can I take a message?

c) What (you buy)  with the money you won in the


d) I don't think you (have)  any problems at the airport.

e) (you take)  your dog with you to Scotland?

f) All the hotels are full. Where (we spend)  the night?

g) You'd better not come in July. My mother (stay)

with me then.

h) What time (your plane leave)  ?

3  Put each verb in brackets into a suitable future form. More than one answer may be possible.

a) By the time we reach home, the rain (stop) ...

b) This time next week I (lie)  on the beach in Spain.

c) In ten years' time I (work)  for a different company.

d) If we don't get there by 6.00, Jack (leave)

e) In July they (be married)  for twenty years.

f) In the year 2500 a lot of people (live)  on the Moon.

g) When you get to the station, I (wait)  for you outside.

h) Don't worry! The plane (land)  in a moment.

i) By the time you come home, I (finish)  the decorating.

j) Come round between eight and nine. We (watch)

the match on television then.

4  Put each verb in brackets into a suitable future form.

Have you ever wondered what exactly (1) ..... (you do) in ten years time? Well, according to computer expert Tom Vincent, computers (2)  (soon be able) to make accurate predictions about the future. Professor Vincent, from Cambridge, (3)  (hold) a press conference next week to describe the computer which he calls 'Computafuture'. 'This computer can tell us what life (4)  (be) like, based on data describing past events,' explains Professor Vincent. For example, Computafuture can predict how many people (5)  (live) in a particular area, or whether there (6)  (be) a lot of rain during a particular period. Professor Vincent also believes that by the year 2050, computers (7)  (replace) teachers, and (8)  (also do) most of the jobs now being done by the police. 'Computers are becoming more intelligent all the time,' says Professor Vincent. 'Soon they (9)  (direct) traffic and (10)  (teach) our children. And telling us about the future.'

Countable\ uncoutable nouns
1.  Complete each sentence with a/an, some or by leaving the space blank.
a) When the play ended, there was  -  lengthy applause.
b) I can't come out tonight. I have __ homework to do.
c) Sue received ___ excellent education.
d) The inside is strengthened with ___ steel frame.
e) My friends bought me ___ coffee maker for my birthday.
f) David has just bought  ___new furniture.
g) Let me give you  advice.
h) My trousers need pressing. Can you lend me ___  iron?

2. Put one suitable word in each space.
a) I'm looking for  ……..  . Do you know anywhere I can stay?
b) Take my ………. , don't go out alone after dark.
c) The government plans to improve …………. by paying teachers more.
d) Can you lend me some ………… ? I want to print out a letter.
e) I need some …………… about language schools. Can you help me?
f) Richard is unemployed, and he is looking for a………………
g) Could I have some…………..  ? Those apples and oranges look nice.
h) I used to have long  …………., but I had it cut.
i) I can't do this on my own. Could you give me some ………… ?
j) If you can't undo the knot, cut the string with some…………….

3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Food habits
Breakfast is one of those (1)  B..  that varies from person to person, and country to country. For some (2)  it means a (3) of toast and some coffee. In various places I've also been offered (4)  or fruit. (5) executives might eat breakfast at the (6)  , while for many schoolchildren breakfast is a (7)  of milk at home, and then a long wait (8)  the first break of the morning, when they eat (9)  or (10)  chocolate bar. Some families sit down and eat together (11)  the morning, and listen to (12)  news on the radio or (13)  early morning television. For other people, the early morning is a rush (14)  work or school, and there just simply isn't (15) for breakfast.
1)  A times   B meals    C foods    D plates
2) A people     B persons    C breakfasts     D us
3) A sheet     B loaf    C slice     D sandwich
4) A a cheese     B the cheese     C cheese     D cheeses
5) A Business     B A business    C Business's      D Businessmen
6) A train    B street    C morning      D office
7) A glass     B piece     C warm      D box
8) A to     B is     C until    D which
9) A sandwich    B the sandwich     C a sandwiches         D sandwiches
10) A a      B some        C a piece        D a glass of
11) A for     B in     C at      D while
12) A a     B what  C some     D the
13) A look     B watch     C see     D regard
14) A to     B from     C at      D and
15) A there     B it     C enough      D time

4. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.
a) I like your new trousers. Where did you buy  ----  ?
A) it  B) them  C) them both  D) them all
b) There is always a very large --- at the church I go to.
A) congregation  B) audience  C) spectator  D) company
c) The local ---  has agreed to repair the road outside our house.
A) government  B) people  C) council  D) jury
d) When the police arrived, we were pleased to see ---
A) him  B) him or her  C) it  D) them
e) The car turned over, but luckily it didn't suffer serious -----
A) damage  B) injury  C) damages  D) injuries
f) Sorry, I'm late, but I had a lot of ---- to do.
A) job  B) work  C) task  D) labour
g) Julie bought herself a complete new ----- for winter.
A) outfit  B) cloth  C) clothing  D) wear
h) I feel like going out tonight. Let's go to a/an ----
A) dancing  B) night  C) club  D entertainment
i) Thanks for a great weekend! We really had a/an ----
A) fun  B) enjoyment  C) hospitality  D) good time
j) In order to prove Smith is guilty, we must find some ----
A) information  B) evidence  C) knowledge  D) means

Letter of application

1. Wanted: Zoo Guides
-ideal summer job for students
-job involves  guiding walking tours around Bristol Zoo, attending Visitior Information Points, distributing lesflets
-good communication and people skills, good level of a spoken foreign language fequired
-trainang provided, but some experience with animals is an advantage.

Apply (with CV) to:
Michael Crossley 
HR Manager
Bristol Zoo
P.O. Box 100
Bristol BS99

2. Wanted: babysitter
We need a babysitter to work 3 days a week and 4 hours daily. This nanny must be  responsible, patient, loves children, very reliable and punctual. The nanny will take care of our little Alex, and will have to bath him, dress him up, brush his hair and look after him with good attention. The most important responsibilities on my 3 yrs old son will be to look after him, feed him meals, keep him safe, clean and dry at all times. My son is my life, so I will need you to give him the very best of your care.  
Apply (with CV) to:
Joy Martin
45, Green St.

3. Waiter needed for fast food restaurant. Must be outgoing and fit. Must enjoy serving others and are comfortable interacting with a broad range of individuals. English necessary. Provided very good salary, insurance, food and accomodation. So feel free to send us your cv using the Apply Online Box below.

Paul Rough
8D Harness Road

Слова на диктант.
cashier, cook, dentist, farmer, hairdresser, librarian, mechanic, miner, musician, photographer, pilot, porter, receptionist,vicar,waiter, accountant, refuse collector, chef, firefighter, estate agent, carpenter, plumber, vet,electrician, sales rap, civil servant, , civil engineer,  labourer, atchitect, astronaut, lawyer, jeweller, butcher, baker, lumberjack, cameraman, surgeon, shoemaker\cobbler, dressmaker\tailor, florist, blacksmith, nurse, judge.
earn, salary, wages,temporary job, work overtime , fulltime job, days off, expenses, sack\get the sack, employer, employment,promote, promotion, retire, be on strike, apply, letter of application, go over, come up with, fall through, fill in, turn down, face up, draw up, take over, call off.

For dictation

leisure, pastime, raise, compare, particulary, impact, mean, in demand, however, gradually, provide, recently, instantly, equipment, similarity. valuable, afford, take your time, have got time, kill time, on time, in time, make time, waste. save, turn down, look up, look down, come down with, put down, get down, regret = wish you hadn't, feel like doing, look forward to doing, object to, approve of, shame, overtake, unexpectedly, choice, offer, leaflet, imbarrassing, neighbourhood, hahg-gliding, expand.


Health, Illness and Disease Vocabulary
Pain        feeling in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill, sick
Ache       continuous pain; feel a continuous pain
Ill           suffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well; sick
Sick       physically or mentally ill; wanting to vomit
Sore     painful (and often red) because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much
Illness       the state of being physically or mentally ill
Disease     serious illness, often caused by infection
Cure         make somebody or something healthy again after an illness; make an illness go away
 Or medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness;
Treat    give medical care or attention to somebody or something;
Treatment   лечение        Diagnose  диагноз
Injury        harm done to the body, for example in an accident
Injure   harm somebody or yourself physically, especially in an accident, receive/suffer an injury
Wound   an injury to part of the body, especially one in which a hole is made in the skin
Cut     a wound caused by something sharp
Bruise   a blue, brown or purple mark on the skin after somebody has fallen
Scratch    rub your skin with your nails; a mark or a small cut or injury made by scratching

Stomach ache / upset stomach pain in the stomach / feeling like you might vomit 
Infection   illness caused by bacteria or a virus; the act or process of causing or getting a disease
Symptom    a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy
Temperature   the measurement of how hot your body is
Cold        illness affecting the nose and/or throat, making you cough and/or sneeze
Flu     a very bad cold, an infectious disease with fever, pains and weakness
Medicine   a substance that you drink or swallow so as to cure an illness
Antibiotics    medicine that kills bacteria and cures infections
Pain killer    kind of medicine that takes away some or all of the discomfort of an illness or injury
 Blood pressure     the rate at which blood flows through the body
Pulse    the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body
X-rays     photograph of a somebody’s bones and organs
Patient    a person staying in a hospital or medical facility
Recover   выздоравливать
Chemist’s (shop)        a shop where medicine is sold
Prescription     an official piece of paper filled out by a doctor
Running nose,   sneezing ,   blocked up
Dizzy     Itchy       rash

Illness expressions
feel ill, sick
have a temperature
have a pain in your back, chest, waist, arm, shoulder
have a headache
feel weak
feel dizzy
suffer from stomach cramps
have a black eye
have a swollen, sprained ankle, wrist, foot
have a broken leg
have a fracture
burn, cut a finger
sprain an ankle
be allergic to antibiotics
produce an allergic reaction
come down with a cold
be in bed with a cold
have a heart attack, stroke
suffer from asthma, malnutrition, diabetes
fight cancer, depression, addiction, alcoholism
(go to) see a doctor
examine a patient
take, feel your pulse
take, measure your temperature
diagnose an illness, disease
diagnose a condition, disorder
prescribe medicine
make up a prescription
take someone to hospital
undergo an examination, operation
dress a wound
a bandaged arm, leg
put on a plaster
give an injection
have a blood test

prevent the spread of disease

Translate into English. 1. Родители должны воспитывать своих детей. 2. Не могли бы вы заполнить эту анкету? 3. Я был удивлен, когда узнал, что вы бросили институт. 4. Я многому научился, наблюдая за мамой. 5. Самолет взлетел вовремя. 6. Его дед сражался против фашистов. 7. Попов изобрел радио. 8. Редактор уволил пятерых журналистов. 9. Мы решили отложить нашу поездку. 10. Мой отец предпочитает держать все под контролем.

Phrasal verbs
bring up (2),
 carry on
close down
drop out
fall out
fill in
get on with / get along with
get on / in
get off / out off
get over
give away
give out
give up
go through
grow up
lay off
look after / take care of
make up
make it up
put away
pick up
put off
put on
set up
be taken aback
take after
 take off
take on (2)
turn on / off
turn out
take over
work out ( 2 )
work on
be out of work.  be off work,  get down to work,   go back to work

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  2. говоря про язык , а частности английский, важно понимаьт что как бы хорошо вы им не владели а всегда есть дальнейшие пути в вашем развитии, тем более если вы все таки настроены не просто изучить язык дя вашего развития, но стать настоящим экспертом в данном деле, и в данном случае вам только в помощь будет тест на знание языка https://englishpapa.by/test_anglijskogo/ особенно с тем учетом что он охватывает все возможные темы которые будут затронуты на междщународном квалификационном экзамене, также это касаемо и аудирования, что на самом деле не мало важно
