"To have another language is to possess a second soul."


7-В класс

Winter Holidays

Смотреть, выписать British ???  family traditions before Chritmas

Past Simple or Past Continuous
Ответы записывать в тетрадь

1.   When we were in Canada, we ----- skiing almost every day. (GO)

2.   About four years ago I ----- to become a restaurant manager. (DECIDE)

3.   When I was younger I ----- pizza almost every day (EAT)

4.   George ----- a shower when someone suddenly --- at the door. (HAVE, KNOCK)

5.   Jimmy and I ---- from the house to the taxi because it ---- heavily (RUN, RAIN)

6.   Two men ---- outside so I went to see what it was (ARGUE)

7.   At midnight I ---- but Mary ---- to music (SLEEP, LISTEN)

8.   Daniel ----- you yesterday afternoon, but you weren't around (CALL)

9.   Penny ---- to catch the bus when she ---- and --- down (RUN, SLIP, FALL)

10.               We ---- breakfast when the message ---- (EAT, COME)

11.               ---- about my favourite dish when the alarm clock --- off (DREAM, GO)

12.               While I ---- for tomorrow's game , a neighbour ---- to visit me (PRACTICE, COME)


Читать и переводить тест. Выписать слова в Past Simple

My summer holidays

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.
As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.
Then in July  as usually I spent in the countryside with my grandparents. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often went to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. Sometimes we went kayaking. And of course I helped my grandparents around the garden. Every evening I watered fruit trees and vegetables. We picked a lot of apples, pears, grapes, peaches and so on. 
August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so travelling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love travelling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy last summer. We spent a lot of time on the beach where we swam, sunbathed and I even learned to wind surfing.
So, we had an exciting time there.

Summer Holidays

Читать, переводить, выписывать все незнакомые слова в отдельную тетрадь, делать задания после текстов письменно в эту же тетрадь. Страницы с 20 и до конца.

Смотреть мультфильмы-сказки и переводить



Карантин                        моя почта   t.maksimova1968@gmail.com 

Вопросы на контрольное говорение

1. What sport do you like?
2. What sport do you go in for?
3. Do you watch sport on TV?
4. Who is you favourite sportsman?
5. Why do you like this sport?
+ рассказ о себе как в SB p. 8

До 19.05.20

WB p. 15 ex. 1-4
ex.5 WB или ex.6 p.17 SB ( на выбор писать в тетради 10-13 предложений. Это часть 
 контрольного письма)

До 14.05.20

Тренируемся аудировать

http://www.elllo.org/english/0151/170-Naju-Introduction.htm  (скрин мне)

До 12.05.20

WB  p. 87 ex. 4,5,6

До 07.05.20.

Скрин    https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/beginner/a_grammar/file04/grammar04_01a?cc=us&selLanguage=en

WB p. 14   Слова учить

compete  - соревноваться
competitions  - соревнование
superstitious  -  суеверный
good\bad luck  -  удача\неудача
trophy  - трофей
tie  -  завязывать
shoelaces   -  шнурки
lucky charm  - талисман
ritual  -  ритуальный
the same  -  одинаковый, один и тот же
believe  -  верить, считать

ДО 05.05.20

WB   p.13

видео   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Uv3HMezNyM

1. What sport does the purple girl like?
2. What football is favourite for the red girl?

До 30.04.20

WB  p.12

ex. 5 составить диалог письменно

ответить на вопросы
1. Why does the girl like doing sport?
2. What is the boy's favoutite sport?

До 24. 04.20

WB ex 1-3  p. 87

До 28.04.20

Лексика          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DmV5U8YltQ&t=10s   (смотреть, выписывать слова)
WB    ex. 1-4  p.11

ДО 23.04.20
LOVE    (любить)                               
LIKE     (нравиться)                               
ENJOY   (наслаждаться, нравиться )                         +       дієслово  +  ING
DON'T MIND    (не возражать)                                                
HATE    (ненавидеть)   

WB p. 11  ex. 6,7,8

SB  p.13  ex. 10, 11

  http://www.english-room.com/grammar/presentsimple_mc_01.htm   ( скрин)                              

До 21.04.20

Present Simple    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qd1xAikoQc

SB  p. 12 ( все, что не сделали,  доделать и мне фото)

WB  p. 10

До 16.04.20

Лексика   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB575zpaE9o&t=170s


https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/free_time_sport/sports_disciplines.htm  (скрины)

WB p.9   SB  p.11  Ex. 2  (читать, переводить, отвечать на вопросы письменно)

До 14.04.20


WB p.8, 104 (написать перевод ex.1)

До 09.04.20

SB p.8  Ex.4 
1. I'm .... (or My name is ....)  2. and I'm .... years old.
3. I'm ... (nationality)
4. I've got ... (parents, sisters, brothers)
5. My ister\brother ....
6. I like ... (hobby)
7. My favourite food is ....

  Повторення граматики

https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-35701.php (genitive - присвійний відмінок)

До 07.04.20


WB  p. 7

До 02.04.20

Слова https://www.learnenglish.de/games/matchit/matchitnew5.html
https://www.montsemorales.com/vocabulario/Placestownpdc.htm     скрин  присылать на почту

WB p. 6  слова учить, фото,скрин  присылать на почту

на 26.03.20

Объяснение грамматики

Делаем полностью стр. 5  в Sb  and WB

на 24.03

смотреть видео с объяснением    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMacyQT0AZc   to be

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XJ1oE2RLG4    to have got

Делать  SB p. 4   WB p.4     все упражнения  скидывать все ответы

до четверга    SB p.125  Famous British people
Можно сделать прямо в книге, ех. 1,2. Мне скинуть скрины.


смотреть и выписывать вид транспорта и достопримечательности

Schools in Britain
Смотреть видео и уметь ответить на вопросы

24.02 be going to
Пройти по ссылке, сделать упражнение и сделать скрин


Winter holisays
Смотреть мультфильм и вписать незнакомые слова

Смотреть мультфильм и вписать незнакомые слова

 Предложения писать в тетрадь
Пройти по ссылке и выписать в тетрадь слова, которые выбрали

Past Simple
1/ Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (in brackets).
1) When he  (be) a boy he  (like) his job, it  (be) fun.

2) They  (live) in a small flat 10 years ago.

3) She  (study) history last year.

4) I  (eat) breakfast at 6.00 am this morning.

5) I  (cycle) home from work.

6) We  (go) to the cinema last night.

7) They  (be) very good students, they always  (do) their homework.

8) When he  (be) the boss he never  (walk) to work, he always  (drive).

9) When I  (begin) teaching I  (teach) for a language school.

10) When they started this course the students only  (speak) a little English.

2/ Do the negatives

  1. He played handball. → He ---  handball.
  2. Susan waited in the kitchen. → Susan ----  in the kitchen.
  3. made the beds. → I -----  the beds.
  4. They cleaned the classroom. → They -----  the classroom.
  5. She asked a lot of questions. → She -----  a lot of questions.
  6. The friends got new computers. → The friends -----  new computers.
  7. was in Sofia last weekend. → I -----  in Sofia last weekend.
  8. You built a house. → You -----  a house.
  9. Christian bought a new guitar. → Christian -----  a new guitar.
  10. We went shopping. → We -----  shopping.


Bikes are  than cars (cheap)
January is  than June (cold)
My sister is  than my brother (thin)
Sue is  at English than me (good)
Hares are  than tortoises (fast)
My shirt is  than hers (colourful)
Alan's eyes are  than Peter's (big)
The Dnipro is  than the Saksagan (wide)
Football is  than tennis (popular)
Paula's hair is  than Martha's (bad)
My girlfriend is  than Rose (pretty)
Elephants are  than giraffes (heavy)

Cooking Terms List  (вписать слова и выучить)

  • Break - разбивать
  • Melt  - таять, растопить
  • Roll out  - раскатать
  • Fry - жарить
  • Peel - чистить, снимать кожуру
  • Mix - смешивать
  • Cut - резать
  • Chop - рубать
  • Slice - резать на ломтики
  • Grate - тереть на терке
  • Boil - варить
  • Pour - вливать
  • Add - добавлять
  • Roast - запекать в духовке
  • Bake - печь
  • Stir - мешать

Countable\ uncountable

Choose : a, an, some, any, much, many, a lot of.
  1. I drink ... tea.
    1.   ?    much
    2.   ?    a lot of
    3.   ?    many
  1. I didn't buy a pen, I bought ... hat for my mother.
    1.   ?    a
    2.   ?    an
    3.   ?    some
  1. There aren't ... hotels in this town.
    1.   ?    many
    2.   ?    much
    3.   ?    some
  1. She didn't eat much for lunch, only ... apple.
    1.   ?    some
    2.   ?    an
    3.   ?    many
  1. I read ... book last month.
    1.   ?    a
    2.   ?    an
    3.   ?    some
  1. I listened to ... music.
    1.   ?    a
    2.   ?    much
    3.   ?    some
  1. How ... people are coming to the party?
    1.   ?    some
    2.   ?    much
    3.   ?    many
  1. I haven't got ... luggage.
    1.   ?    many
    2.   ?    some
    3.   ?    any
  1. How ... milk do you want in your coffee?
    1.   ?    much
    2.   ?    many
    3.   ?    some
  1. Are there ... empty shops in your village?
    1.   ?    some
    2.   ?    much
    3.   ?    a lot of
  1. Paula hasn't got ... money.
    1.   ?    many
    2.   ?    much
    3.   ?    a
  1. I haven't got my camera, so I can't take ... photographs.
    1.   ?    some
    2.   ?    any
    3.   ?    much
  1. Could I have ... orange?
    1.   ?    an
    2.   ?    a
    3.   ?    any
  1. We met ... interesting people at the party.

    1.   ?    an
    2.   ?    any
    3.   ?    some

Задания на летние каникулы

Посмотреть мультфильмы, выписать незнакомые слова и ответить на вопросы.


Вопросы (будут позже)

1 Look at the table and complete the sentences with adverbs of  frequency.

On Monday …

play the violin
get up at eight o’clock
do homework

1       Ben            (play) the violin on Monday.
2       Rachel            (play) the violin on Monday.
3       Ben            (get) up at eight o’clock on Monday.
4       Rachel            (get) up at eight o’clock on Monday.
5       Ben            (do) his homework on Monday.

6       Rachel            (do) her homework on Monday.
2 Write the questions.
1       A                                                              
          B I run in the park.
2       A                                                              
          B He finishes school at four
3       A                                                              
          B She teaches my brother.
4       A                                                              
          B I went to bed because I was
5       A                                                              
          B The children have cereal for
6       A                                                              
          B Pam and Chris play tennis

             twice a week

3 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t and the verbs in the box.
talk    do      eat      get      go      go      have      meet      play
1       I                          my homework tonight. It’s important.
2       We                          football in class. The teacher gets angry.
3       I                          up early on school days.
4       You                          in the library.
5       She                         Joe tonight. It’s very important.
6       They                         a shower every day in the summer.
7       We                          home now. It’s very late.
8       You                         a lot of chocolate. It’s bad for you.

9       She                          to bed late. She’s only six.

Read and tranlate the text

Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They are separated from the continent by the English Channel.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each part has its capital. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak, Ben Nevis. The rivers of Great Britain are not long. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on the banks of the Thames. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others.
Wales is a country of lakes.

Seas and oceans influence the British climate which is not too cold in winter but never hot in summer. Great Britain is a beautiful country with old traditions and good people.

Anwer the quetions. (write)
1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
3.Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 
3. What are the main colours of the Union Flag? 
4. Who rules Britain?
5. What climate is  in the UK?

·         1. She -- (do) ballet 3 times a week
·         2. I --- (read) this amazing book at the moment!
·         3. I really --- (want) an ice-cream. It’s so hot today.
·         4. They --- (wait) for their Dad to take them to school.
·         5. Glyn --- (act) in a play at the National Theatre.
·         6. Glyn--- (go) to the theatre every week.
·         7. Slow down! You---  (drive) too fast!
·         8. I --- (take) public transport when I travel around Colombia. It’s cheaper.
·         9. I --- (go) to hospital again tonight.

·         10. We --- (like) dancing!

Present Simmple or Present Continuous
1. Look! Pauline  the flowers. (water)
2. Listen! The girls  a song. (sing)
3. She usually  home by bus. (drive)
4. Jack  to his grandmother every day. (go)
5. Look! Sally and Joe  tennis. (play)
6. Nelly  a cup of tea every morning. (drink)
7. We can't play tennis. It  now. (rain)
8. Bill  his homework at the moment. (do)
9. Jane always  her homework in her room. (do)
10. The boys sometimes  in the park. (run)
11. My cat never  in my room. (sleep)
12. Listen! Phil  an English song. (sing)
13. No, I  to music on my mobile phone, I  a bath. (not listen / have)
14. Michael can't play football. He  the guitar at the moment. (play)
15. We never  letters to America. (write)

ex.10  писать только вопросы 1,2, 3, 4 ,6, 7, 8. 

для 2 группы

1) Choose the right answer
1)    I ____ eat toast for breakfast. (0%)
02).  Dan ____ phones Mary. (100%)
03).  She ____ studies math. (25%)
04).  A bus is ____ big. (80%)
05).  My mother is ____ angry. (15%)
hardly ever
Our father ____ cooks dinner. (50%)


2) Дополнить предложения
I often... 2. My friends sometimes... 3. My mum\dad always... 4. In our family we never... 5. My sister\brother\cousin ussually ... 5. My aunt\uncle often ... 6. At school we hardly ever ...

3) Translate
1. Лягушки обычно живут в пруду. 2. Мой попугай разговаривает часто. 3. На ферме всегда бегает много кур. 4. Иногда на ферме я помогаю бабушке.


Translate into Englih

1. Мой брат учит французский, а я учу английский. 2. Мы не играем в футбол зимой. 3. Твоя сестра ходит в школу? 4. Ты читаешь книги каждый день? 5. Мы работаем с картами на уроках географии. 6. Он не пишет истории. 7. Наш учитель использует компьютер каждый урок. 

Писать в тетрадь. Упр. 58, 59, 60

Present Simple

1. She ---- noodles every Monday. (eat)
2. Wichai ---- computer every day. (play)

3. They ---- English well. (speak)
4. He ---- television every morning. (watch)
5. I ---- up late. (get)
6. We ---- pictures every week. (draw)
7. The boys ---- in the pool. (swim)
8. My father ---- a new car. (drive)
9. You ---- in the office. (work)
10. Mr. Manit ---- to London. (fly)
11. I ---- my homework. (do)
12. The teacher ---- to school every day. (walk)
13. Jack ---- his bicycle. (ride)
14. His mother ---- some fruit. (buy)
15. The baby ---- every night. (cry)


1. Possessive adjectives

Type: my - your - his - her - its - our - their

My father is driving --- new car.
Hello! What's --- name ?
I've got a sister. --- name is Mary.
--- names are Mark and Jorge (they).
The cow ate --- food quickly.
The little boy is playing with --- toys.
We live in a house. --- house is very big.
They like sport. --- favourite sport is rugby.
The girl plays tennis. This is --- racket.
This is a tortoise. --- name is Buga.
Is this Paul's cat ? Yes, it is --- cat.
Lucy and I like to wear --- hair long.
2. Translate.
1. друг моей сестры 2. машина его папы, 3. имя нашей собаки, 4. игрушки ваших детей 5. дом их родителей 6. хобби ее друзей



1. He --- tall.

2. They ----fat.

3. She ----green eyes.

4. We ---- slim.

5. They ----a long nose.

6. I ----- brown hair.

7. She ----- small.

8. I ----- strong.

9. He ----- a big mouth.

10. We ---- short legs.

II) Перекласти, поставити в заперечну та питальну форми.
1) Новий  компьютер на столі.

2) Ці завдання складні.

3) У мене є цікава книжка.

4) Ти маєш старий годинник.


Put  the forms of to be (am/is/are)

Example: My teacher (be) is nice.
Example: The cat (be, not) is not hungry.

1) Thomas (be)  my little brother. He (be)  nine years old.

2) Wait! We (be, not)  ready to go.

3) Dixie (be)  my favorite aunt. She always cooks me chicken and dumplings. She (be)  coming to visit soon.

4) I (be)  sleepy. I think I will go to bed soon.

5) The school (be)  closed. It (be, not)  open.

6) The bus (be)  broken down. It needs to be repaired.

7) I (be)  lonely. Marcos (be)  lonely too. I think we should become friends!

8) Billy (be)  good at basketball. He (be)  tall, quick, and athletic.

9) The weather (be)  cold today. I hope it gets warmer soon.

10) Jose and I (be)  in the same English class. It (be)  fun!

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